| 2021 STANK |
A film by Roy Arida and Racha Baroud
58 minutes
With support from
CNC (writing and development assistance from the Fonds d’aide à l’innovation audiovisuelle, post-production assistance for short films)
and Procirep.
On August 4, 2020, an explosion devastated the port of Beirut and part of the city. Two hundred people lost their lives. Five thousand were seriously injured. Three hundred thousand were displaced. Following the disaster, we set out to find three port workers who had played in one of our films ten years earlier.
– États généraux du film documentaire 2021, Section ‘Expériences du regard’, Lussas, France
– Festival Festisol 2021, Programme ‘Cinéma & Citoyenneté’, Belfort, France
– Festival Diversités 2022, Bourgogne – Franche Comté, France
– Rencontres de Films en Bretagne 2023, Saint-Quay-Portrieux, France